Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Ok so Bowser got a page dedicated to him at a month old so now it's Peachs turn.I have had her since Oct.3 so it's a little over due :) here we go!
Baby Peach in the Beginning
could fit on the tips of my fingers
then she got bigger :)
Smelling the flowers 

enjoying the outdoor air

Halloween pumpkin eating :)

running off to another adventure
I am super glad I got Peach because she brought out the best in both me and Bowser.She is spunky and adventurous which made Bowser want to do the same.I couldn't see life without her and im glad she will be with me for a long time. :)

Update weigh in!

So they have grown! bowser is now about 104grams and Peach is not too far behind at 79grams.Ok here go the pics :)
outdoor fun in the sun (Peach)
Stomping around outside(Bowser)
Dinner time inside the enclosure(spring mix dusted with calcium and some cactus pieces

Peach now in the bowl she was delivered in.
Bowser now in the bowl he was delivered in

They seem to be growing rather smoothly and that is always the goal when bringing up captive tortoises.A smooth shell means a healthy shell and a healthy tortoise.Peach did have me worried there for a minute because her growth                                 spurt was so rapid that her shell began to take on more texture then i would have liked.Now she is slowing down growth wise and her shell is beginning to smooth out like Bowsers.Just goes to show no two tortoises are alike no matter how similar the husbandry you just cant predict it all.
Bowser(Left) and Peach(Right) enjoying the basking bulb

Sunday, October 9, 2011


i thought i would dedicate a page to him now that he is a month old(been with me a month) :) so much growth has happened since then and im so glad i had to help me figure out the best for my little one.
baby Bowser

yoga moves :)

getting bigger :)

He is amazing and when i first saw him i knew my life wouldnt be the same.I was always so stressed after work and nothing would really relax me but when this little guy came into my life i was forced to slow down for him.It was exactly what i needed something to help me relax and slow down :)
Love my little Bowser and no matter the size he will always be my little one :)

Enjoying time together

A few pics of them enjoying things together.Bowser wasn't nearly as active as he is now that Peach is around.Guess he needed Peach to give his life meaning :) im just thrilled they get along!
i came home to find them sleeping
together :)

Shell Growth and Eating Mazuri?

Bowser when he first arrived on Sept.10th
Bowsers shell now notice the new growth
lines around the center scutes.
So it would seem that Peach is putting on some weight and i have noticed she is growing a bit faster then Bowser.I think it may be to the Mazuri i just recently introduced into their diet.I didnt feed Bowser the mazuri for the first 3 weeks i had him and he grew but not nearly as fast.I think im going to reduce their mazuri intake to 2-3 times a week.I dont want them to grow too fast due to the shell still forming.I want nice smooth healthy shells :) Here are their shells now

Peach within the first day of getting her Oct.1st
Peach growth lines now after only a week

They are still beauties and i want to keep them that way.Smooth as can be and the best for my little ones :) 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Enjoying the Sunshine!



Hey all hope your days are going great! Well Bowser and Peach had a adventure outside so i thought i would share all the cutie pics i took :) Bowser is learning to graze more and more on these outings and it seems Peach is learning from him so that's great! Grazing will become a good chunk of their diet when they are older so the fact that they are trying now is a sign of a happy camper in the future.

 I'm also going to be posting pictures of my backyard and their current enclosure jsut to give and idea of where they will be spending thier days and a few pictures of both of their plastron and anal scutes (bottom of shell and "spikes" by the tail) for reference later.We can't officially determine the sex till they are at least 14inches but fingers crossed I'm right on the money with their names!
The backyard that is waiting for them when they grow.Right now Tx is in a drought so no green lush grass as of yet but it will be there when they are ready to come outside :)

Their current home till they grow up :) It made out of a bookshelf -laid on its back minus all the shelves add  lining to prevent leaking insert bedding and hiding places and BAM tort table :) they seem to like it
Size and shell difference Peach(left) Bowser(right)


hanging out together
headed out their separate ways
Grazing! (Peach)


Well they did sit and "talk" with each other for a bit but as soon as the sunset broke through the clouds it was off to their own adventures :)

I just love how Peach went straight for the greens and Bowser was happy to just sit for a while and pick at the grass around him even if he didn't eat any lol Makes me wonder if they can tell color??

They had alot of fun on this outing and so did I even if it was just to a small part of the yard.I enjoy being able to just come home after a busy day and wind down watching them stomp around.I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.Until next time!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Eats!

so i purchased some Mazuri tortoise food for my little ones due to the high fiber content.They didn't take to much to it but this is day one im hoping they come around.They love the spring mix and cactus so tomorrow i think i will mix it a bit more in hopes of a better outcome.But as is here you go pics of the munchies enjoy!

Sleeping it off(Peach has the Blue Dot) :D